EWC Academy - Academy for European Works Councils and SE Works Councils

Draft for new EWC Directive

The bill is now on the home run  → more

Works council seminar in Gdańsk

Industrial relations in Poland 2 to 4 April 2025 → Agenda

Basic seminar for European Works Councils and SE Works Councils

Montabaur Castle, 22 to 25 April 2025 → Agenda

Legal EWC seminar with visit to the High Court

Dublin, 30 June to 3 July 2025 the High Court → Agenda

In-house Seminars

Training for members of EWC or Select Committee → more

Works councils are increasingly confronted with cross-border corporate organizations. The EWC Academy in Hamburg (Germany) is a specialized, employee-oriented consultancy and training firm in this area.

Our website is available since January 2001 and presents services for:

  • Workplace representatives in Germany and other countries
  • European Works Councils and SE Works Councils
  • Special Negotiating Bodies
  • Employee representatives in Supervisory Boards and Workers' Directors

Our offer includes:

  • Open seminars for individuals registering directly with us
  • In-house seminars for individual companies or works councils
  • Legal, economic and intercultural consulting
  • Strategies for the structuring of consultation procedures
  • Legal opinions on EWC and SE disputes
  • Collaboration in relevant research projects, e.g. for the European Commission

The EWC Academy (and its forerunner organization) has so far trained and/or advised employee representatives from 322 companies which represents around 25 % of all currently existing transnational works councils in Europe.

Up-to-date News
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    Inadequate access to justice in Ireland

    On 24 October 2024, MEPs Gabriele Bischoff (Social Democrats) and Dennis Radtke (Christian Democrats) submitted a parliamentary question to the European Commission regarding the problems of EWC law in Ireland. The two Germans are the driving force behind a revision of the EWC directive. The current reason for the enquiry is...

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    Inadequate transposition of the minimum wage directive

    By 15 November 2024, the minimum wage directive should have been transposed into national law in all EU countries. However, most governments did not meet the deadline – and some have been actively working against the directive's objectives. This was pointed out by the European Trade Union Confederation in a press release...

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    More rights for platform workers

    On 1 December 2024, the new directive to improve working conditions in the digital platform economy came into force. Member states now have two years to transpose its provisions into national law. The directive aims to improve the protection of people who provide services on a contract basis via...

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    Supreme Court puts a halt to collective bargaining evasion

    On 12 September 2024, British trade union USDAW won its case in the last instance to ensure that collective bargaining rights are respected. Tesco, the largest British supermarket chain, wanted to dismiss warehouse workers in logistics centres if they did not accept a new employment...




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    Collective bargaining system in Luxembourg under threat of being dismantled

    On 8 October 2024, Luxembourg's Minister of Labour presented a proposal to reform the collective bargaining system that would reduce standards. The binding content of collective agreements should be limited to an absolute minimum, and collective agreements could be used to undercut labour laws...

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    Schengen area to expand

    On 1 January 2025, Romania and Bulgaria will be fully integrated into the Schengen area. After the Netherlands and Austria lifted their veto, the Council of Ministers unanimously approved the decision on 12 December 2024. The Schengen area is an area without internal border controls for 420 million people...

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    Twice as many jobs lost as jobs created

    In the second half of 2024, 103,000 jobs were lost in the EU, but only 53,000 new jobs were created. This ratio has thus been reversed compared to the first half of 2024, when 95,000 new jobs offset the loss of 87,000. If the figures for all EU countries since 1 July 2024 are calculated, France will...

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    Automotive industry in transformation crisis

    Already in the first half of 2024, the automotive industry in Europe was particularly affected by job cuts. This accelerated in the second half of the year, especially in Germany. Volkswagen, for example, announced the closure of three of its ten factories. Ford plans to cut 4,000 jobs in Europe...

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    Court of Appeal in Luxembourg approves co-determination evasion

    On 23 May 2024, the Luxembourg Court of Appeal dismissed a lawsuit regarding the improper composition of the supervisory board at automotive supplier Stabilus. The holding company in Luxembourg has been operating as a European Company (SE) since April 2022. Shortly after that...

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    Federal Labour Court in Germany approves co-determination evasion

    On 26 November 2024, the Federal Labour Court dismissed two claims by works councils to establish a special negotiating body (SNB) in the course of a conversion to a European Company (SE). The decision thereby enacts the European Court of Justice ruling from May 2024 that...

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    Germany loses, France gains

    In the first half of 2024, Germany accounted for the largest job losses in the European Single Market, whereas France was gaining more jobs. A total of 87,000 job losses were reported, of which 36,000 (over 40%) were in Germany alone, while only 1,700 new jobs were created...

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    Mass job cuts in the automotive and steel industries

    The largest cutbacks were announced at automotive supplier ZF Friedrichshafen, with 12,000 of 50,000 jobs to be cut in Germany alone by 2030. French automotive supplier Forvia plans to cut a total of 13% of its European workforce by 2027, with 2,000 to 2,500 jobs being cut each year...

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    Future investments in France and the Czech Republic

    The US companies Microsoft and Amazon announced investments worth billions in France in May 2024. Microsoft is planning to build a new AI and data centre in Mulhouse (Alsace) and expand existing data centres near Paris and Marseille at a cost of...

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    Status proceedings for co-determination on the Supervisory Board

    The Berlin-based direct bank N26, founded in 2013, has been preparing its conversion to a European Company (SE) for two years. The aim of the management is to permanently exclude employee representatives from the supervisory board. The start-up now has over 1,500 employees in ten countries, most of them in Germany...

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    European Court of Justice facilitates exodus from co-determination

    On 16 May 2024, the German group works council of Olympus failed in its action against the Japanese optics group for evading co-determination. The central question was whether an employee-less "letterbox company" in the legal form of a European Company (SE)...

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    Co-determination on supervisory boards is increasingly being ignored

    On 10 June 2024, the Hans Böckler Foundation published a new study on the extent of co-determination evasion in Germany. Almost 2.5 million employees in 400 large companies were denied full parity co-determination on supervisory boards in 2022 (40% of all large companies), compared to 300,000 fewer three years earlier...

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    EWC agreement violates applicable law from the outset

    On 22 February 2024, an EWC agreement was signed for Latécoère in Toulouse. The aviation company builds doors, fuselage parts and electrical cables for customers such as Airbus and Boeing. Negotiations between the employee delegation and central management began on 5 December 2023...

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    British retail company establishes EWC under German law

    On 30 April 2024, an EWC agreement was signed in Hamburg for the EG Group, which is owned by a British-Indian billionaire family. Founded in 2001, the company operates petrol stations and convenience shops around the world. It employs 9,000 people in the EU, including 4,000 in Germany...

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    Japanese pharma group establishes EWC under Irish law

    On 14 May 2024, an EWC agreement was concluded for Astellas Pharma, one of the three largest Japanese pharmaceutics groups. It covers the countries of the European single market, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Meetings are held every six months, once in person and once virtually...

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    Italian carton board manufacturer renews EWC agreement

    A revised EWC agreement was signed at Reno de Medici's headquarters in Milan on 26 January 2024. The carton board manufacturer has production sites in Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands and is owned by a US investment company. The European works council was newly established in 2015 following a merger...

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    Europe's largest parcel delivery company increases time-off work allowance

    On 5 March 2024, a new EWC agreement was signed at Geopost's headquarters in Issy-les-Moulineaux near Paris. Geopost is a courier express parcel service provider under the umbrella of the French group La Poste. The EWC has 20 members and represents 46,000 employees...

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    US business travel management company continues with British delegates

    On 6 March 2024, the EWC agreement of American Express Global Business Travel was revised at a meeting in London. It is governed by Dutch law. The EWC was established in March 2015 because the credit card company American Express had spun off its travel division and sold it to financial investors...

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    Spanish gaming operator with global social standards

    On 29 February 2024, the group management of CIRSA signed a global framework agreement with the international umbrella organisation of services unions (UNI) in Barcelona. The group, which is based in Terrassa, an industrial city in Catalonia, operates 434 casinos in nine countries (Spain, Italy, Morocco, Latin America)...

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    US online platform company sets industry-wide standards with health charter

    On 8 April 2024, Uber reached an agreement with the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) in London on a health charter for millions of couriers working for the online platform. Uber provides passenger transport and food delivery services in over 11,000 cities around the world...

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    USA: Volkswagen gets employee representation, Mercedes does not

    From 17 to 19 April 2024, the workforce at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga (Tennessee) was able to decide whether to recognise the United Auto Workers (UAW) union as a collective bargaining party. There are no works councils in the USA, so this is the only way to establish employee representation at the plant...

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    Website exposes the attacks on works councils

    The website "arbeitsunrecht in deutschland" (Workplace injustice in Germany) provides information against union busting. It is run by a non-profit organisation that campaigns for democracy in business and the workplace and promotes the establishment of active works councils...

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    Corporate reports on environmental and social aspects

    On 17 January 2024, the Otto Brenner Foundation presented a working paper outlining a new approach to integrated business reporting that addresses environmental and social aspects in addition to purely economic and financial aspects. Since January 2023...

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    How can trade unions use the German Supply Chain Act?

    At the end of January 2024, the DGB trade union education centre in Düsseldorf published a brochure on the opportunities offered by the law, which has been in force since January 2023. Since then, larger companies have been obliged to check their supply chains for human rights violations and...

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    16th conference for European works councils in Hamburg

    Just a few days after the European Commission launched the legislative process to revise the EWC Directive in Brussels, almost 50 participants from eight countries gathered in Hamburg on 29 and 30 January 2024 to discover the details. Labour lawyer and expert on EWC law, Professor Filip Dorssemont...

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    Restructuring at Dutch payment service provider

    The EWC Academy has been advising the SE works council of equensWorldline since 14 February 2024. The Utrecht-based company with 5,000 employees processes electronic payments for 250 banks in the EU and has been operating as a European Company (SE) since 2008...

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    EWC training at Dutch semiconductor manufacturer

    On 6 and 7 March 2024, the EWC Academy held a training course for the European works council of NXP Semiconductors. The largest semiconductor manufacturer in Europe, based in Eindhoven, was a division of the Philips Group until 2006. After the spin-off, a separate EWC was established in 2007...

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    Strengthening European works councils in Austria

    On 29 August 2023, the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice in labour and social matters dismissed an appeal by the central management of Mayr-Melnhof Packaging against the ruling of the Vienna Higher Regional Court of February 2023. This decision was communicated to...

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    Background information ahead of the European Parliament elections

    In July 2023, the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation published an 18-page brochure presenting the institutions of the EU, in particular the composition of the European Parliament. It is elected every five years, the next time in June 2024. Germany sends 96 out of 750 MEPs...

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    US electric car manufacturer refuses collective bargaining agreements

    Since 27 October 2023, more and more Tesla garages in Sweden have been out on strike. The IF Metall trade union initially called a strike for Tesla workers in twelve garages, but 100 garages are now already affected. Since 7 November 2023, there have been extensive solidarity actions by


   EWC Academy GmbH - Rödingsmarkt 52 - 20459 Hamburg - Germany

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