Works councils are increasingly confronted with cross-border corporate organizations. The EWC Academy in Hamburg (Germany) is a specialized, employee-oriented consultancy and training firm in this area.
Our website is available since January 2001 and presents services for:
- Workplace representatives in Germany and other countries
- European Works Councils and SE Works Councils
- Special Negotiating Bodies
- Employee representatives in Supervisory Boards and Workers' Directors
Our offer includes:
- Open seminars for individuals registering directly with us
- In-house seminars for individual companies or works councils
- Legal, economic and intercultural consulting
- Strategies for the structuring of consultation procedures
- Legal opinions on EWC and SE disputes
- Collaboration in relevant research projects, e.g. for the European Commission
The EWC Academy (and its forerunner organization) has so far trained and/or advised employee representatives from 322 companies which represents around 25 % of all currently existing transnational works councils in Europe.